Help! I’m not a Churchy Person!

If you aren’t a churchy person, I apologize because a lot of this blog is churchy language. Specifically United Methodist Churchy language. When I talk about call, I’m talking about God working in my life to help me figure out where and how I can best do what Jesus asks of me which is: Love God. Love Neighbor. Go and make disciples to do more loving God and Neighbor.

The way I figure out where I’m called is through prayer, talking with mentors, the work I’m already doing, telling people what I think I should be doing and seeing how they react, and prayer. God has never sat in a chair with me and given me a road map. It’s just not how God works with me. I’m not saying God can’t do that, God is God and God just doesn’t come to me with a map. Maybe it’s cuz S/He knows how much I love maps and wants me to be less reliant on my own planning…who knows? It’s God!

Here’s what I think I’m called to do:

  • Meet people that don’t go to church.
  • Develop worship that might appeal to non-churchy people because I really do actually think that during worship, we are changed–connected with one another and God. Seriously. I believe that. And I’m a pretty normal girl in her 30’s. I love chocolate, jeans, cooking, cheese, jeans, and jeans. I am addicted to jeans.
  • Be poor and work with the poor. Let me be clear. I am not poor. In fact, I think that if I gave all of my money away, I still could not be poor because of my class status. But, I am trying to live only with what I need–even when that means giving up jeans.
  • Work WITH the poor. As in, not come up with things I think poor people need. Not write a check. But actually hear, listen, learn, and help enact change that will transform everyone. We all need each other people.

So, what will I be doing then??

  • Helping a new church grow and become
  • Designing worship for that church
  • Designing service opportunities because, hello, it’s called Servant Church
  • Learning about non profits–how they are started, pit falls, etc.
  • Speaking at churches about ministry with the poor
  • Designing ministries with the poor

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